Avery ROTH

Coaching You To Get To Where You Want To Be

Copy of David and Avery Podcast Image.png

Published Date: 4/12/19


1) Avery’s website

2) Avery’s LinkedIn profile

Episode Notes (by Minutes):

-2:00: How Avery got started as a Career Change coach

-4:00: Sharing more about the coaching process. What happens during a coaching session. How people when transitioning actually need a coach because they could be blind to the bigger picture.

-6:00: How Avery thinks coaching is going to become more and more common, just like therapy used to have a stigma around it. Coaching can also be for existing high-performers as well.

-8:00: How having a coaching can help existing coaches as well.

-11:00: An overview of the comprehensive coaching that Avery offers to her clients.

-13:00: How Avery thinks every human has the capacity to be a coach. And how you could get started being a coach.

-17:00: How finding work to align with your values is important. Tactful advice for freelancers and those with a portfolio career. And how letting go of perfection is the key to so many of us.

-21:00: More on Avery’s journey to be a coach, and how Avery believes you can manifest and create any life and dream you have.

(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David. Please see the episode for the interview and information)