Olive Persimmion

Using Words And 5 Projects To Help People


Episode Notes (by minute):

-1:00: How Olive decided she wanted to be “using words to create sh*t..” And how she got really involved with her Toastmasters Club. And how her seemingly daily activities and experiences became inspiration for her art.

-3:00: How Olive tried every different kind of employment arrangement - 9 to 5, freelancing, etc.

-4:00: An overview on some of the projects that Olive works on.

-8:00: “you have to figure out the narrative you want to tell about yourself”

-10:00: “figure out what you want and relentlessly pursue that.”

-11:00: How Olive thinks that communication is fundamentally the most important skill

-16:00: How Olive talks about her new book, The Coitus Chronicles coming out in 2019

-19:00: How Olive is driven to use words to help other people

-22:00: Advice from her Dad who was a golfer: “you can’t let one bad swing ruin your whole game.”

(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David. Please see the episode for more accurate information)