Abena Anim-SoMuAH

Building A Community-First Business


Episode Notes (by minute):

-3:00: How after the first pilot dinner, Abena has continued to experiment with different elements to make each Eden Place friendly-style dinner more successful

-3:30: Why the first dinner was important for testing the group dinner experience concept and details for the initial dinners launched in early 2022

-5:00: What it is like to build a community-based business and balancing helping people with growing a company

-7:00: How people are re-learning in-person social skills 

-11:00: Why it’s important to have people around that can talk about what's going on with your work

-14:30: How being a solo founder is an incredibly lonely job

-15:00: Hot take: throwing people into a room does not constitute as an event.

-18:00: How Twitter has been a really big help in getting the word out about Eden’s dinners

-19:00: How community building is really hard

-26:30: Why being a founder can be extremely taxing and it's important to find ways to separate yourself from your job

-31:00: Even though food is her passion, Abena still needs breaks from her company

-33:00: How getting press in Eater and Vanity Fair has been big wins for Eden and what’s ahead 

(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David Nebinski. Please see the episode for more accurate information)

Published Date: 10/6/22