Anthony Yoon

Unlearning What It Means To Be An Entrepreneur In NY


Episode Notes (by minute):

-2:00: An overview on Anthony’s recent journey after walking away from DEED, a startup that he was the cofounder of that “just drove himself into the ground.”

-3:00: How Burning Man and The Assemblage helped Anthony give himself more courage, confidence, and love for himself.

-6:00: A powerful message shared about identity and meaning after leaving DEED, and Anthony is focusing on being kinder to himself.

-8:00: How Anthony uses the Five Minute Journal to have a service and gratitude-mindset.

-10:00: Skills that Anthony is focusing on leaning into — sales, compartmentalizing complex ideas into actionable ones, and business operation skills.

-16:00: An overview on why purpose and social impact work is critical to Anthony’s work

-18:00: Where Anthony is drawing inspiration from these days — The Assemblage and people grinding it out, day by day.

-23:00: “I think I am a point now, where helping others grow gives me so much gratitude.”

-24:00: Anthony discusses the importance for asking for help for startup founders, especially related to mental health

(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David. Please see the episode for more accurate information)