rosie Sherry

How To Build A Career In The Community Field


Episode Notes (by minute):

-2:30: How Rosie started using NING about 15 years ago to start building community.

-4:30: How Ministry of Testing initially started as a side project. Rosie ended up working and building this community for 15 years.

-6:00: How Rosie realized that events and conferences were going to be a big driver for the Ministry of Testing community and its business

-9:00: Why Rosie thinks communities should develop multiple revenue streams

-11:00: Why new communities should explore a Minimum Viable Community approach, as opposed to investing a lot of time and money upfront without interest

-15:00: How building a community is hard and takes time and experiments

-17:00: How Rosie initially learned about a role and opening at IndieHackers and then soon became the community manager there after leaving Ministry of Testing

-20:00: How “helping people” is a transferrable skill between community roles, and how Rosie has developed a knack for it. When possible, she tries to help be the “first X” for someone or give someone their “first Y”

-25:00: How Rosie is testing different products and services and learning along the way as a now independent community professional and builder in 2022. A lot of the products and services are listed on her website Rosie.Land

-31:00: How Rosie sees “community member participation” as a challenge for many communities and that many community managers are not good at this

-34:00: How there is a lot of opportunity to re-imagine community roles (growth, operations, design, etc) as the profession grows and evolves

-35:00: How Rosie enjoys having a Portfolio Career with multiple income streams, providing her more freedom to work on the things that she loves

(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David Nebinski. Please see the episode for more accurate information)

Published Date: 6/9/22