Krish Jagirdar

Everyone Has A Friend That Can Help

David and Krish Cover Art.jpg

Published Date: 11/23/18


1) Krish’s Twitter account

2) Krish’s LinkedIn account

Episode Notes (by minute):

-4:00: A quote by Shane Mac — “what you do outside of work determines what you will do next”

-4:30: How growing social media accounts for clients grew word-out-mouth and then eventually it snowballed, and gave Krish a lot of freedom.

-6:30: Everyone needs something. Everyone needs help.

-9:00: How working at Dom & Tom gave Krish a foundational skillset and diverse experiences.

-15:00: How Krish talks about business being broken down into: product and distribution

-20:00: The importance of being self-taught and finding people that will give you a shot really allows you to build up repetitions.

-21:00: New projects that Krish is exploring in the gaming sector

(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David. Please see the episode for more accurate information)