Alexis Gay
Going Full-Time On Your Own Work
Episode Notes (by minute):
1:00: What Alexis loves about doing improv
3:00: The connection between improv and her videos
5:30: How Alexis gets inspiration from conversations in her life to create videos or jokes from them
7:00: The story behind one video going viral for Alexis
12:00: When Alexis decided that she would make a one minute video every day for 30 days in a row
16:30: Why Alexis left her job to work full-time on her own work because she wanted to feel what it was like
20:00: The decision matrix that Alexis used to understand the viability of going full-time on her own work
24:00: What Alexis loves about being on stage and making other people laugh
27:00: Why it’s important to be honest about your own goals, what your circumstances are, and what your advantages are when thinking about working for yourself
29:30: The importance of being consistent with producing creative work
(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David Nebinski. Please see the episode for more accurate information)
Published Date: 12/22/22