One New Connection — Portfolio Career Podcast

HOw One EMaIL OR Connection Can Have a BIG Impact

Five Clips From Prior Episodes To Help You


Episode Notes (by minute):

-2:35 - A clip from episode 134 with Chris Williamson on how he became good friends with someone who reached out over DM

-5:40 - A clip from episode 165 with Shripriyah Mahesh on how she ended up hiring someone after reconnecting over Twitter DM about a role. She had casually known the person for years

-7:15 - A clip from episode 161 with Scott Britton on how he reached out to Tim Ferriss about Scott’s previous client years ago. This resulted in Tim blogging about Scott’s client and leading a big increase in revenue for Scott’s client.

-11:00 - A clip from episode 167 with Shivani Berry on how she reached out to Intercom about a role years ago.

-13:30 - A clip from episode 156 with Andrew Barry on how he became the Program Director for On Deck Course Creators

(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David Nebinski. Please see the episode for more accurate information)

Published Date: 8/5/21