Arlan Hamilton

Building Complimentary Ecosystems


Episode Notes (by minute):

-1:30: why if you have no assets, you have to be the asset

-3:00: why having certain knowledge or insights is always valuable. Money can’t always buy that, which makes those with insights valuable.

-5:00: how keynote and conference speaking can be a very lucrative business

-5:30: how Arlan has been able to build a large portfolio: 1) having a great team and 2) working on things that are complimentary

-7:00: where the idea for Arlan’s new company, Runner, came to be

-8:30: the fractional employment trends that Arlan is seeing through her company, Runner.

-12:00: how Arlan reached out 100 people individually knowing that she only needed one “yes” to start working in live music many years ago

(Note: these are quick notes and takeaways by David Nebinski. Please see the episode for more accurate information)

Published Date: 12/2/21