Mari Andrew

The Journey of a Creative


Episode Notes:

  • On creativity, art, and New York City:

    • In her new art show, Mari wanted to capture the "tidiness" of New York City, specifically the individual affection for it, rather than the big-picture love

    • Mari spent 20 hours creating a piece to communicate the concept of Sabbath. Tuning in rather than turning away, in the context of New York City

    On using creativity to tune into restful moments in New York City:

    • Ritualizing mundane NYC moments (e.g., bagel Eucharist) to find rest and showcase the magic in a chaotic city

    • Mari discussed her creative process, including the long gestation period and quick labor of her art projects

    • Mari's art show was inspired by a sudden urge to create, which she attributes to being attuned to her creative ideas

    On creativity, art, and self-expression with a focus on letting go of attachment to outcomes:

    • Mari shared her journey of letting go and making art out of love, without caring about the outcome or what others think

    • Mari discussed her upcoming book and how she wrote it in a very short time period

    On writing, grief, and creative revision:

    • Mari shared her struggles with grief and how getting into her body, instead of being in her mind has been helpful recently  

    • Mari finds comfort in revising her writing to make it more welcoming and less confrontational

    On embodiment and creativity, prioritizing body over head:

    • Mari prioritizes embodiment in creative growth, shifting from cerebral to full-body efforts

    • Mari talked about moving away from creating on Instagram to seek more organic expression

    On creative blocks and finding new mediums for self-expression:

    • Mari found a lot of joy in felting

    • Mari shared her struggles with self-doubt and belief in herself

    • Mari has found a calling to provide emotional and spiritual support to others, despite her self-doubt

    On creativity, intuition, and patience:

    • Mari expressed her awe at creativity's mysterious nature and trusts it more after recognizing its unpredictable visits

    On creativity, taming wildness, and respectful relationships with animals:

    • Mari compared creativity to taming a wild animal, and the difference between taming and trapping

    • Mari emphasized the importance of authenticity and energy in creating content, and how it can be felt in the work

    On creativity, uncertainty, and growth with a writer:

    • Mari expressed uncertainty about her creative journey, but now approaches it with a beginner's mind and self-compassion

    • Mari believes in collective change and that people are open to evolving with her, despite feeling like a beginner

    • Mari reflected on her career journey, from barista to writer, and finds liberation in uncertainty

      (Note: these are quick notes and takeaways. Please see the episode for more accurate information)

Published Date: 5/2/24